Thursday, August 6, 2015

James' 6th and 7th month

Shortly before his 1/2 year mark, James learned to sit up. He really enjoys being upright. Now that he isn't stuck on his back, he gets to interact with his siblings and surroundings a lot more. Of course, his curiousness has also resulted in him learning the definition of the word "no." He dislikes the term, but as the baby of the family, he hears it a lot. He loves playing with John and finds everything about his brother fascinating or hysterical. He had a blast with the fun props his siblings created for him for his half birthday. I love his sweet smile and laugh. Actually, I love everything about my little James--the light in his eyes, his chunky legs, his adorable expressions and sounds. He is still such a snuggle-bug, but I know he is well on his way to being just as independent as my other two kids. In the meantime, I plan to enjoy this baby stage to the fullest. After all, James is likely the last little one we will have.