Monday, July 6, 2015

Kindergarten Graduate

Kindergarten graduation? I didn't even want to walk at my college graduation, and admittedly, at the beginning of this school year, I had no intention of such ceremony for my five year old. What was special about this year? About halfway through the term, however, I starting noticing so many changes in Belle and began to understand the tradition.

Naturally, every year brings growth, but the first year of school is truly a milestone year, at least it was for Belle. Over the course of kindergarten, my baby grew up. She mastered swimming and riding a bike. She turned into an avid independent reader and inventor. She became a big sister x2 and nurtured some genuine friendships. She trusted Jesus as her personal Savior and now makes a joyful noise with song straight from her heart. She asked to have her ears pierced, and she lost her first tooth. In addition to being more empathetic and responsible, her conversations became deeper and more meaningful. By the time the school year ended, she had lost her sweet chubby cheeks, gained a boatload of confidence and looked the part of a real school girl.

Though we didn't end up participating in the homeschool graduation, I wanted to recognize my little graduate. Since we were already gathering with some family for Mothers Day, we set aside some time that day to acknowledge her for such a big year in so many areas of life. It was a last minute and simple celebration but exactly what I had in mind. Knowing I secretly wanted some cute pictures of my little graduate, my mom surprised me with a cap and gown for her. When Belle saw it, she suddenly got very excited and actually wanted to take some pictures. Not wanting the moment to pass, we hopped in the car and took some right away. We had a special time alone of prayer, conversation and laughter as we took a few. I had my vision for the picture (cap and gown picture above), and of course my silly girl also had her own ideas in mind. (cap and gown pictures below).