Wednesday, May 20, 2015

James' 4th and 5th month

My mommy has been slack about posting my monthly updates recently, but I can assure you I have made a lot of progress in the past two months. I no longer cry myself to the point of sheer exhaustion after being strapped in the car seat. I don't mind being on my stomach anymore, and I can roll both ways when I feel like it. I am not sleeping through the night yet, but I am out of my parents' room and in my crib. If you smile at me, I will almost always flash you a big gummy smile back. Although I am leaving far less spit up trails than I once did, I am now drooling and gnawing on almost everything I can get to my mouth. My sister calls me "grabby hands" because I am always reaching for things, and I get very upset if you take whatever it is from me. I like to read, swing, play, talk and cuddle!

I think I must have one of the most affectionate families in town. Someone is always touching me! I love my siblings to pieces, but I do protest when my limbs are constantly tugged. One advantage to being the center of attention is always having someone happy to read or play with me. The one who calls himself "big brother" is a pretty funny guy. I chuckle at his antics all the time. I often hear mommy say, "No John!" Then I laugh, and he says, "See Poomsie likes it!" I also like to snuggle with big sister, whom is slightly more gentle than brother. She reads to me, makes me stuff and is very helpful, but sometimes she tampers with my favorite activities. For instance, one day she did something to my activity mat which prevented me from pulling down the butterflies I like to yank. I think mom said she duct taped it. Whatever it was, it perplexed me because I had that game figured out! Those kids I live with are always up to something, so they keep my life interesting. I mostly have to watch them now, but I am taking it all in and will be keeping up in no time! Just wait!
